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So who is this Mark DeNicola I claim to be? Good question.


I’m an ordinary human being with as many issues as you. I’ve just always been incredibly proactive and passionate about finding and sharing solutions to them.


I’m certainly not a doctor, millionaire, guru, model, or anything most would consider admirable, but that’s what tends to make my content relatable.


Ever since going on my first personal development binge at the age of 20, I’ve been hooked on discovering ways to improve my life. Once I firsthand realized that much of what I came across actually worked, I naturally found myself wanting to share it with others.


I’ve read far too much, have had the privilege to interview incredible minds like Deepak Chopra and Charles Eisenstein, and have incorporated everything from vision boards to incantations into my life.


I know what it's like to have a serious anxiety attack, to wish you were living someone else’s life, to long for a compatible relationship partner, to feel like you lack purpose or direction in life, and so much more.


Whether any of these challenges currently plague you, there is always an area of our life that could use some work. Let me save you some of the time you likely don’t even have, by sharing what I’ve found with you.


To date, I’ve written over 400 published articles and have created dozens of vlogs (with plenty more to come) all designed to give you tools to improve your life and even more importantly love yourself. This website is a collection of some of that content, as well as the place to be to see everything new that I am creating regularly.

'Symphony Dark' Premiere - 2015
Illuminate Film Festival 2016
SAND 2015
Illuminate Film Festival 2016
'Us' Premiere - 2015
CE Anniversary Party 2015
TIFF 2014
Illuminate Film Festival 2016
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